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Foundation Design

Foundation Soils Assessment

GeoStrata routinely provides geotechnical foundation recommendations for support of all types of structures, including residential and commercial buildings, bridges, utility plants, and waterfront structures.

​Services Provided:


  • GeoStrata is experienced in providing site-specific recommendations that include:

  • Foundation type and size

  • Spread footings

  • Deep Foundations

  • Allowable bearing, lateral, and uplift capacities

  • Estimated settlements and settlement rates

  • Construction recommendations for mitigation of:

  • Expansive soils

  • Compressible soils

  • Collapsible soils

  • Liquifiable soils

  • Corrosive soils

  • Saturated/weak soils

  • Constructability Considerations

  • Subgrade preparation

  • Lateral load resistance (passive pressures and friction coefficients)

Field Instrumentation & Monitoring

GeoStrata has extensive experience in geotechnical field monitoring, which includes instrumentation installation, calibration, monitoring, data reduction, and analyses.

​Services Provided:


  • Landslide evaluations

  • Slope stability evaluations

  • Settlement concerns

  • Retaining structures

  • Tunnels

  • Vibration studies

  • Moisture intrusion studies

  • Some of the monitoring equipment utilized by GeoStrata:

  • Slope inclinometers

  • Piezometers

  • Extensometers

  • Tension crack monitors

Field Instrumentation

Pavement Design

GeoStrata has extensive experience providing designs for new and rehabilitated pavements. Pavement design specifications are developed using standard design methods and the results of laboratory testing, including R-value and CBR testing of the subgrade soils. Pavement design recommendations include subgrade preparation and compaction requirements; thickness and type of base materials required for supporting the finished pavement; and thickness of concrete or asphalt concrete paving sections. Pavement designs are performed in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of local, county, state, and federal agencies.

​Services Provided:


  • Flexible pavement (asphalt concrete, asphalt rubber hot mix)

  • Rigid pavement (portland cement concrete)

  • Superpave

  • Reinforcing pavement fabrics

  • Removal and reconstruction

Pavment Design

Earthen Dam & Embankments

GeoStrata works closely with local and state governments to quickly and effectively handle any type of permit required by departments of environmental quality as well as oil gas, and mining.

​Services Provided:


  • Permits required by departments of Air Quality, Water Quality, and Waste Management

  • Permits required by divisions of Oil Gas and Mining

  • etc

Earthen Dam

Retaining Structures

GeoStrata provides geotechnical design and construction services for both temporary and long-term retaining structures for various applications. We evaluate the site-specific conditions, wall height, transient and permanent loads, seismic loading, and hydrostatic pressures, as well as many other parameters, in order to provide design parameters for proposed structures.

​Services Provided:


  • Permanent wall systems

  • Soil nail

  • Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE)

  • Gabion

  • Crib and bin

  • Modular block

Retaning Structures

Slope Stability Assessment

The stability of natural and man-made slopes is dependent on a number of factors, including site geology, slope inclination, strength of soils, construction activities, and ground shaking. GeoStrata utilizes state-of-the-art computer programs to perform slope stability analyses for both planned and existing slopes, as well as to provide repair recommendations for slope failures. Typically, these analyses are conducted based on laboratory tests performed on samples obtained from exploratory excavations, such as borings or test pits.

​Services Provided:


  • Permits required by departments of Air Quality, Water Quality, and Waste Management

  • Permits required by divisions of Oil Gas and Mining

  • etc

Slope Stability

Now Offering Ground Motion Analysis

Seismic Design

Seismic design criteria are constantly being updated and improved upon by earth scientists, academics, and regulatory agencies. GeoStrata's participation in various international, federal, state, and regional agencies, as well as professional organizations, keeps our personnel informed regarding recent changes and updates in the area of seismic design.

​Services Provided:


  • Peak horizontal ground accelerations

  • Peak vertical ground accelerations

  • Deterministic ground motion studies

  • Probabilistic ground motion studies

  • Seismic lateral earth pressures

  • Ground motion hazard analysis

​Ground Motion Hazard Analysis:


  • Now required on many projects by IBC 2018/ ASCE 7-16

  • Requires testing of subsurface soils to 100-ft below ground surface

  • May be completed using non-invasive geophysics, SPT geotechnical drilling, or CPT soundings

Seismic Design

Liquefaction Analysis

Liquefaction of cohesionless soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Research and historical data indicate that loose granular soils and non-plastic silts that are saturated by a relatively shallow groundwater table are more susceptible to liquefaction. GeoStrata has experience with a wide variety of projects where liquefiable soil was a concern. To evaluate such soils, they are typically explored and sampled with exploratory borings to a minimum depth of 50 feet below the ground surface.

​Services Provided:


  • Peak horizontal ground accelerations


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