Materials Testing
Our onsite laboratory handles full-scale materials testing in conjunction with geotechnical testing as well. Our facility is fully equipped to serve all of your testing needs. The lab is managed by our trained staff and is accredited by AASHTO under the AASHTO Accreditation Program.
​Geotechnical Services:
Direct Shear
Residual Shear
Unconfined Compressive Strength
Triaxal Shear Strength
Pinhole Dispersion
Pocket Penetrometer
Backpressure Perm
Construction Materials Services:
Compressive Strength of Structural Concrete
Flexible Strength of Structural Concrete
Compressive Strength of Structural Composite Prisms
Compressive Strength of Structural Mortar
Concrete Shrinkage
AASHTO Accredited Tests:
Accreditation is limited to the laboratory and the standards for which the laboratory is accredited.
​Soil Services:
Organic Content
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Gradient Ratio
Sulfate Soundness
Water Soluble Sulfates
Moisture content
Moisture-density relationships (Proctors)
Water soluble chloride
Specific Gravity
Asphalt Services:
Oil Content
Grain Size Distribution
Marshall Stability and Flow
Bulk Specific Gravity
Special Inspections / Field Services
Our team of special inspectors, engineering technicians, and field technicians are qualified to perform all of the required services, whether it is in the GeoStrata Laboratory or out in the field. We have an average of 12 field personnel at all times with a combined experience of 80 years.
​Special Inspection Services:
Commercial Building Inspections
Dye Penetrant Testing
Industrial Building Inspections
Mechanical Inspections
Plumbing Inspections
Precast and Post Tensioned Concrete
Reinforced Concrete
Soil Nailing
Spray Applied Fireproofing
Structural Masonry
Structural Steel
Suspended Ceilings
Welder Certifications
Field Services:
Asphalt Coring
Asphalt Sampling and Placement Observation
Casting of Cylinders for Compressive Strength
Casting of Grout for Compressive Strength
Casting of Mortar for Compressive Strength
Casting of Prisms for Compressive Strength
Concrete Coring
Concrete Curing
Concrete Maturity Monitoring
Concrete Mix Designs
Concrete Temperature Data Logging
Concrete Testing-Slump, Air, Temperature
Density Testing of Soils-Nuclear Method
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Soils Sampling
Visual Observations
State of Utah Building Inspector
UDOT (Transportation Technician Qualification Program & Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction)
UDOT TTQP: LbTT (Laboratory Testing Technician)
UDOT TTQP: CSTT (Concrete Strength Testing Technician)
UDOT TTQP: SRDT (Sampling, Reduction and Density Testing Technician)
UDOT TTQP: AsTT (WAQTC Asphalt Testing Technician)
UDPT TTQP: AGTT (Aggregate Testing Technician)
UDOT TTQP: CTT (Concrete Testing Technician)
UDOT IQP (Inspectors Qualification Program)
UDOT TTQP: Ebtt/DTT (WAQTC Embankment and Base/Density Testing Technician)
Certifications Held By Our Inspectors:
ACI Field Level
ACI Concrete Special Inspector
APNGA-Nucelar Density Testing
AWS (American Welding Society) CWI Certified Welding Inspector
ICC (International Code Council) Bolting Inspector, Commercial Building Inspector, Commercial Mechanical Inspector, Commercial Plumbing Inspector, Fire Inspector, Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector, Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector, Spray-applied Fireproofing Special Inspector, Structural Masonry Special Inspector, and Structural Steel Inspector
MSHA Certified